‘Bucket List & Future Plans’ Articles
My Bucket List

A Travel Bucket List from Jay Travels. My list is over 20 destinations long and each Bucket List idea includes details on why I'd like to go. What is on your Bucket List?
Where Should Jay Go Next???

I’ve already written about my travel Bucket List - which is at this point is over 15 destinations long. But there are some places I’m more eager to get to than others. Here are a few travel ideas from Jay Travels.
Share your Travel Experiences

Although this site is primarily devoted to my personal travel experiences, it is not necessarily exclusive of my own travels. The goal of this site is educate and expand the horizons of those interested in learning more about the world. While I’ve traveled to a few places (and hope to get to a lot more),
Egypt – The History of Civilization

Egypt Travel Review - A once in a lifetime experience. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx was just the start. Read about my adventures to cosmopolitan Alexandria and Luxor - the cradle of civilization.